... to open up our wallets, and give, spend, stare in amazement at the lonely ball of lint at the bottom. From holiday decorations, to babysitters and office parties, Black Friday shopping, gifts from Santa, family, friends or the boss—you've got alot to remember!
If someone performs a regular service for you, it's customary to tip or gift them around the cost of one session. If that's your barber, $15 may work. If it's your daycare provider, around a day's tuition per child may be reasonable. If you have one regular baby sitter, the cost for one or two hours might be a good gift value, depending on how often you use their services.
Consider your budget, and be sure to balance the amount you give for any service. For example, if your child attends a daycare classroom with 3 regular teachers, divide the give among them. A $5 coffee shop gift card may brighten each of their days.
The main thing you want to keep in mind is that people who don't work in a job where a holiday bonus is common, a little gift can go a long way in helping them meet their other expense demands this time of year.
If you can't spend a lot, give time. Donate your time, or make something by hand. This gesture goes a long way, and has special meaning that a dollar doesn't give. It also makes memories and, honestly, it might be more valuable to the recipient than your cold hard cash.
Other non-cash gift ideas include:
Be sure to follow us on Twitter for holiday recipes too!