This will allow you to display your story, name, address, pricing, qualifications, phone number and hours of operation on your public page.
A Listing Area is a grouped area or region. You can still specify your actual address within the Contact Information section, and update your listing area too.
Add your photo with You can replace the default person with a real photo of yourself by setting up a free Gravatar account using the same email address as you use with your daycare baby account. It’s super easy to do, and puts a face with a name!
You can also select a custom illustration for your background to further personalize your page.
Your username is now your own link, just copy and paste to start pointing people to you web address:
With your “username” following the forward slash / mark.
From your dashboard view, create new children and begin adding items to their daily reports. You can log different activity types and print or email records to parents at the end of each day.
If you’re emailing reports to parents, our system will open your email program configured to your device. For example, a laptop using the Chrome browser may launch a new window, opening up your Gmail account. You could add anything else, including photos, if you wish.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter or on Facebook to get learning materials, product recall updates and more. We’ll help keep you informed, and we love to hear your feedback on what we can do better!